Terms and Conditions




These Terms and Conditions apply to the provision of Mediation Services and/or Conflict Resolution Skills Training as detailed in the correspondence by way of emails and/or letters from Same Page Mediation (“SP”) to the Parties and/or their representatives under which SP agrees to perform the Mediation and/or Conflict Resolution Skills Training (“Services”) and to which these Terms and Conditions are attached (“the Correspondence”).


The Parties are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions on acceptance of SP’s Services or from the date of any performance of the Services, whichever happens earlier.


These Terms and Conditions, the Agreement to Mediate, and the Correspondence are the entire agreement (“the Agreement”).





1.1.  The Terms and Conditions form part of the Agreement and shall prevail over any terms and conditions (whether or not inconsistent with these terms and conditions) contained in or referred to in any correspondence, order, purchase order or other documentation submitted by the Parties or elsewhere or implied by custom, practice or in the course of dealing.





2.1. The Mediation shall be held and conducted according to the Agreement to Mediate. 2.2. SP shall reasonably endeavour to provide the Services at the premises or via online video and at the dates and times specified in the Correspondence and/or Agreement to Mediate.

2.3. SP shall not be obliged to commence the Services until all (if any) materials and information are provided by the Parties as specified by SP to SP’s satisfaction.

2.4. SP makes no warranty and sets no expectation that the performance of the Services will lead to any particular result or conclusion.

2.5. The Services provided by SP will be performed on a non-exclusive basis.

2.6. The parties shall reasonably endeavour to respond promptly to any request for guidance or information reasonably required by SP to enable it to perform its Services.





3.1. In consideration of SP carrying out the Services set out in the Correspondence, the Parties agree to pay the Price and other such costs and other expenses as are set out in the Correspondence and/ or Agreement to Mediate or if not set out in those documents, then as published in the fees section of SP website at samepagemediation.co.uk.

3.2. The Parties will make all payments without deduction or set-off except as required by law.

3.3. The Parties shall pay all sums due in respect of any invoice within the time stipulated on that invoice.

3.4. All sums due to SP which are not paid by the due date (without prejudice to SP’s other rights under the Agreement) bear interest from day to day at the annual rate of 5% over the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank PLC.





4.1. Where a cancellation is made by either of the Parties after the mediation date has been agreed, but more than 14 days ahead of that date, there is no cancellation charge. 4.2. Where a cancellation is made by either of the Parties after the mediation date has been agreed, within 14 days ahead of that date, 50% of the agreed fee will be payable. 4.3. Where a cancellation is made by either of the Parties after the mediation date has been agreed, within 48 hours of that date, the full agreed fee will be payable.

4.4. All agreed expenses incurred by SP will be payable in full. 





5.1. SP, the mediator, parties, and anyone involved in the mediation shall maintain and respect the confidentiality of any and all information connected with the mediation as stipulated in the Agreement to Mediate. The Parties will voluntarily sign the Agreement to Mediate prior to the start of the Services.

5.2 SP, the mediator and anyone affiliated with the provision of mediation services will not keep and will promptly destroy any notes, records, evidence, or other reference material including electronic records related to the mediation with the exception of documentation related to the Agreement.





6.1 SP shall use reasonable care and skill in carrying out the Services under the Agreement.

6.2. To the maximum extent possible, all conditions and warranties on the part of SP which would otherwise be implied by statute, regulation or common law into the Agreement are excluded.

6.3. Without prejudice to any other limitation or exclusion of liability under the Agreement, the total liability of SP to the Parties in respect of any one event or series of connected events, shall not exceed the Price payable by the Parties to SP.

6.3.1. SP shall not in any circumstances be liable to the Parties, whether arising from tort, breach of statutory duty, breach of contract, any form of misrepresentation or otherwise for loss of profits (direct or indirect), loss of business or loss of anticipated savings or any special, indirect, consequential, or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges, or expenses.

6.4. Where the Services are delivered at one of the Parties’ premises, the Parties shall ensure the safety of any EMS personnel while at the Party’s premises.





7.1. The Mediator shall throughout the mediation act as an independent impartial neutral facilitator and will not seek to adjudicate, arbitrate, furnish advice, or impose a decision or solution in respect of any of the issues, save by agreement with the parties.

7.2. The Mediator shall not be liable to any party for any act or omission in connection with the conduct of the mediation, save for any willful misconduct.

7.3. The Mediator shall not be called as a witness or as an expert in any pending or subsequent litigation or arbitration relating to the dispute or subject matter of the mediation, save where the Mediator and all parties agree in writing.

7.4. The Mediator hereby confirms that all known financial and/or other interests, all social, business, professional relationships with any party and/or their representatives, or any facts or circumstances which may create doubt as to the impartiality of the Mediator, have been disclosed to the parties in writing. The Mediator shall immediately disclose any said interests, relationships or circumstances that become apparent hereafter.

7.5. The Mediator shall be entitled to appoint an Assistant Mediator of her own choice at no further cost to the parties. The Mediator shall be entitled to conduct the mediation process at her discretion, including the structure of the process, the attendance of participants, the agreeing of a timetable for the exchange of any relevant information or documentation, and the scheduling and re-scheduling of meetings with the parties, both before and during the mediation, whether in private caucus or with the parties jointly.





8.1.  Conflict resolution skills training (Training) is provided by SP for informational purposes only and is intended for individual and/or organizational use.

8.2.  SP does not warrant any specific outcome or certification for either in-person or online instruction.

8.3   SP and its representatives do not provide legal advice.

8.4   SP mediation provides informational courses through Thinkific as service provider.  Privacy policies and terms and conditions related to these courses are outlined on the course website at www.samepagemediation.thinkific.com/pages/privacy and www.samepagemediation.thinkific.com/pages/terms in addition to those related to Thinkific as a service provider.

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