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Conflict Resolution Skills Training provides you with the resources you need to help resolve conflict on your own.
Finding your way through conflict is a necessary part of life.  There are no tips, tricks or shortcuts.  These same skills taught to mediators can help you prevent conflict and open up the lines of communication.

Live in person or online

If you are thinking about getting your group together to learn more about conflict resolution skills, then you are already helping to forge a new path forward. This interactive training allows us to learn new skills and practice them together.  We can take a generalized approach or tailor the training for your organizations specific needs.  

Arch Ally self study program

The Arch Ally program is a self-paced, online conflict resolution course with a one time fee. The aim is to share all of the skills in a mediators toolkit while addressing the pitfalls and challenges of handling your own conflict without neutrality. This is not mediator training. The videos are 2-5 minutes each encouraging practice and growth.   

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How does this course work?

Very short videos (2-10 minutes) fr you to watch at your own pace.  Take your time.  Most skills have a TO DO attached.  These things take practice!

Why did I make this course?

Everyone should have conflict resolution skills.  For many legal and mediation resources are inaccessible.  These aren't secrets, they are skills you can learn.

 About you and me      

You are a person that likes to learn.  I am a person that likes to teach.  You are the best person to understand your conflict and your needs.  I want to help you.

Why take this course?

You are a person that will go out and practice what you learn.  In lieu of gold stars and smiley faces, I want you to see results.  This course is practical.

What you already know

You know more than you think you do.  I know that you have already had and solved conflict.  I know you can do it again.  Especially with more skills. 

  You are not neutral      

It's impossible to be neutral in the middle of your own conflict.  We all have and will have conflict in our lives.  Knowing this can be helpful.

No tips, tricks or shortcuts

There is no way shortcut your want to meaningful and workable solutions.  Tricks don't build trust and future focused solutions.  Skills do.

Conflict resolution v. Peacemaking

Less conflict increases peace.  Peace is a fantastic large concept and I hope we get there.  In the meantime, let's tackle our regular people conflicts together.

What if they won't meet?

They just won't meet yet.  Ok, maybe they never will, but is that in your control?  There are still skills that you can use to make life a little smoother.

Do you want to be right or...?

Being right isn't always the solution. Or at least not the end of the story.  Making them wrong doesn't fix the issue or make an ally for the future.

         Take action           (or don't) 

Inaction is a type of action.  The one thing you can count on is change.  Is it inaction you are after or just a break? Sometimes doing nothing is okay.

 Perception is reality    

Even if the perception is wrong  it's still a part of your conflict. Do you know what parts of your perception aren't actually reality?

   Actually listening         

Active listening is a skill that you can practice.  Good listening skills create trust and effective communication.  They are foundational.

Open ended questions

Asking the right type of questions can change everything.  Curiosity can build trust, capture information and help you get creative and collaborative.

Stack good interactions

Even if you can't find compromise, you can make things better.  Life is better when people get along.  Sometimes that means no interaction at all. 

 Are you 100% sure?   

Hint: you aren't.  It's almost impossible to be completely sure.  Two sides to a story is the starting point. Learn the skills to find your blind spots and blanks.

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